10 x micro:bit V2 Essentials Kits Club Bundle

R3,599.90  Inc VAT
Perfect for sharing the micro:bit with friends, the micro:bit club is a 10 pack containing all the pieces needed to enjoy micro:bit in STEM groups, coding clubs, school classes, scouts, guides and cubs or any other social gathering (contains 10 BBC micro:bits, 10x USB cables, 10 x battery holders & 20x AAA batteries). The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customize and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life. Measuring 4cm by 5cm, and designed to be fun and easy to use, users can create anything from games and animations to scrolling stories at school, at home and on the go - all you need is imagination and creativity. The micro:bit is completely programmable. That means each of its LEDs can be individually programmed as can its buttons, inputs and outputs, accelerometer, magnetometer and Bluetooth Smart Technology. The micro:bit has a website full of coding languages, lesson plans, tutorials, and fun ideas to help you get creative


  • Upgraded processor (nRF52833)
    • 64MHz Arm Cortex-M4 FPU (over 4 times faster!)
    • 512KB Flash storage on board
    • 128KB RAM
  • MEMS Microphone with LED indicator and on-board speaker
  • 5x5 LED matrix display
  • Touch sensitive logo "button"
  • Accelerometer/compass
  • Light and temperature sensors
  • Sleep/off mode for batteries powered projects (w/ LED indicator)
  • Up to 200mA of current for external accessories
  • Bluetooth 5.0 radio allowing micro:bits to talk to each other
  • Notched edge connector (easier to connect things like crocodile clips and conductive thread)
  • Dimensions: 52mm x 42mm x 11.7mm


Embedded Design & Development

What's in the box?

10 x micro:bit V2.2 boards(please note we cannot select the colour of the micro:bit you will receive)
10 x USB cables
10 x battery holders
20 x AAA batteries.


Program micro:bit using Raspberry Pi at https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-microbit

User Guide at https://microbit.org/guide/

The micro:bit pins http://microbit.org/guide/hardware/pins/

Explore the many features of micro: bit at http://microbit.org/guide/features/

And loads more great links available at http://microbit.org/index/

Using the micro:bit V2.2


The micro:bit V2.2 has no less than six sensors onboard to create awesome projects:


More Resources

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors, a speaker, microphone and many other input/output features that, when programmed, let it interact with you and your world.

Visit What is the micro:bit? to find out more or explore all the features in depth through short videos.

You will need a computer, tablet or phone to write and send code to the micro:bit, but once the code is on the micro:bit it works as a standalone device with just the battery pack. Visit getting started for support taking your first steps with the micro:bit.

The Micro:bit Educational Foundation produces free coding tools and teaching resources to support you as you explore the potential of the micro:bit:

  • Choose your perfect programming tool in Let's Code:
    • Run whole class coding sessions easily with micro:bit classroom
    • Teach block-based coding with Microsoft MakeCode or text-based coding with the micro:bit Python Editor
  • Explore our free resources for teachers including:
    • Quick projects for beginners and more advanced users
    • Curriculum-linked lessons and units of work
    • Professional development courses and events like webinars and code-alongs
    • Classroom resources such as student handouts, reward certificates and posters

As well as givings students a hands-on approach to coding, the micro:bit is an engaging classroom tool that gives students confidence to try new things and get creative with technology.

  • Availability: 11 In Stock
  • Model: micro:bit club V2
  • Brand: micro:bit